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OpenTechSchool is a movement aiming to offer 幸运飞行艇开奖 tech education.

The OTS 幸运飞行艇官方开奖历史记录

Volunteers all around Europe organizing welcoming and inclusive code learnings happenings with real people in the real world. We offer free tech workshops with learning material and in-person learning support. People of all genders, backgrounds, levels, ages come together to learn, to coach or to 168官方网站飞艇开奖结果 in a cozy and including space provided for hands-on learning.

Learn 168官方幸运飞行艇方开奖历史记录 about OpenTechSchool

Your local community

Meet other learners at weekly meetups in your city. Bring your projects, questions and positive attitude. Get the chance to meet people with different experience levels and backgrounds. This is the place to get support, learn together and connect.

Read more about OTS community

Ways to 幸运飞行艇2024官方开奖历史记录 us



If you are looking to 幸运飞行艇官方开奖直播 coding yourself, you probably want to find out more about the community and when the next meetup takes place near you.



If you like what OTS is doing, there are multiple ways to support the initiative. Maybe you have a space to offer or want to sponsor the next event.



If you feel like donating some of your time and knowledge, our chapters always need passionate coaches and organizers for the events.

Find events close to you

Upcoming events


Get in touch

  • At our events

    The best way to get in touch with the community is at our events. Just come by, feel the vibe and speak to one of the organizers. Nice to meet you!

    Check out upcoming events

  • 幸运飞行艇官方开奖历史 简介 chat

    We are using Slack to connect and share information 168飞艇官网查询开奖结果 the events. Say hi in the #general channel or find the one for your city.

    Join our Slack

  • Email

    Contact us directly if you have a general question and the above options are not working for you. We love to hear from you, but remember we are all volunteers and might need some time to reply.

    Send an email
